
Is 5 Weeks Enough Time To Wear A Sling For Severe Rotator Cuff Repair

Your shoulder joint contains a grouping of muscles and tendons called the rotator cuff, which helps hold the pinnacle of your arm bone in the socket and facilitates your shoulder'due south wide range of motion. When these muscles or tendons become torn or strained, your doctor at Georgia Hand, Shoulder & Elbow might recommend rotator gage surgery to repair the impairment.

Rotator cuff surgery is ordinarily performed with arthroscopy. This is a minimally-invasive technique in which the surgeon inserts a camera and small instruments through tiny incisions.

To ensure optimal results and the quickest possible recovery, follow these central tips.

1. Wearable your shoulder immobilizer or sling

After your procedure, your doc will give you a sling or shoulder immobilizer to restrict your arm motion. The length of time yous wear your sling or immobilizer depends on the extent of your rotator cuff injury and the type of surgery you had.

With many rotator cuff surgeries, you lot wear a sling or immobilizer at all times for 4-6 weeks. During this time, you can move your mitt, wrist, and fingers, but the full motion of your arm is express.

2. Participate in concrete therapy

Physical therapy is an essential part of your recovery process. This program includes peculiarly designed exercises to increment your shoulder strength, flexibility, and range of motion as it heals.

In nearly cases, rotator cuff physical therapy begins with gentle passive exercises washed while your therapist supports and moves your arm. With your doctor'due south approval, you motility to active shoulder exercises performed on your own. These exercises speed up your healing and assistance you return to an active lifestyle more quickly.

3. Eliminate hurting medication as quickly as possible

It's normal to experience pain and discomfort later rotator cuff surgery — or just about whatever surgery, for that matter. While medication can increase your condolement while you lot heal, it tin likewise mask your pain during physical therapy. This reduced sensation tin can make information technology easy to overdo your action and unintentionally set up your recovery back.

The faster y'all can comfortably eliminate painkillers afterward surgery, the easier information technology is to appraise your recovery then yous tin adjust your physical activity every bit needed.

iv. Avert certain shoulder positions and arm movements

During the recovery process, it's crucial to avoid movements that tin interfere with your healing. These actions typically include:

  • Lifting objects
  • Putting weight on your shoulder or arm
  • Reaching behind your body
  • Raising your arm overhead
  • Moving your arm to the side

It's likewise important to avoid certain positions while sleeping that put pressure on your shoulder, such equally lying apartment on your back or the affected side.

5. Don't rush your recovery

No matter how good you experience, it's important to listen to your physician and follow their recommendations afterwards your rotator gage surgery. Even when you're feeling footling to no hurting, activities that put a strain on your shoulder can significantly increase your run a risk of re-injury. Resuming physical activities before your shoulder has healed also increases your chances of straining other parts of your trunk, like your elbow or spine.

To acquire more almost rotator gage surgery and ways to ensure a fast recovery, call Georgia Hand, Shoulder & Elbow or schedule an appointment online.

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